Thursday, March 09, 2006

Major workout day

It felt great to work out hard this morning...and I'm going back at noon.

Okay, I didn't go back at noon. I was halfway to my car when I realized I was insane. I worked out HARD this morning; why do I need to lift weights today, when I only do it twice a week anyway? I can do it tomorrow or even tonight if I feel better. Right now I have sore quads and a sore shoulder.

Today's data:

Pre-workout: Banana and coffee with cream: 110 cals
Workout fuel: 1 GU, 1/2 Luna bar: 190 cals
Breakfast: Ham and cheese, cottage cheese and strawberries, coffee with cream: 295 cals
Total so far: 595 cals
Snack: Carrots and cheese dip, yogurt: 195 cals
New total: 790
Lunch: Sashimi and miso soup, 250 cals
Snack: Peanut butter with M&Ms, 100 cals
New new total: 1140 cals
Dinner: Chicken breast, spinach, trail mix (because I'm bad), two brownie bites: 650 cals
TOTAL: 1790 cals

Swim 30 minutes
Run 1 hour - including 5K fun run
Baseline: 26:34 - ran @ 7.0, at end pushed up to 9.0
Indoor cycling 1 hour
Total calories burned: 1350

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