Thursday, February 02, 2006

Still sick

Ugh. I had to stay home from work again - bad stomach pain and diarrhea, couldn't stray from the bathroom. It got better in the late afternoon, but started up again in the evening. I should just write off this entire week of training and dieting.

So today, I ate a random assortment of things:

- A pear (60 calories)
- Half of a chicken sandwich (chicken breast and bread) (150 calories)
- Some french fries (John's) (135 calories)
- Two boiled red potatoes (120 calories)
- Two brownies (the kids asked me to make them, and I was feeling good at the time) (400 cals)
- Three Wendy's chicken nuggets (130 cals)
- Some bread (150 cals)

Let's see...that comes out to: 1145 calories

Oh, my heart's been racing all day. And I'm out of breath coming up the stairs. Blah!

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