Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Running at noon, and the party taper

I stayed up too late cleaning the house and reading to get out of bed this morning, so I decided to run at noon. Hubby came with me.

Wow, it's hot at noon! Especially when you're running up the steepest hill around here. We ran on the trails, so most of the time we were in shade, but you have to run about 1.5 miles on pavement to get there.

I found this strange, but it took me nearly two miles to "warm up" - even though I'd broken a sweat pretty much right away and stuff. My legs just didn't want to go. But by the end of the run, they felt like they could go forever. I'll have to remember that when I start my Ironman marathon - maybe two miles in I'll feel better.

So on Sunday when I did my long solo bike, I made all these plans. One of them was to not drink or party much until after Ironman Canada.

But then we celebrated Danielle's birthday Sunday night, so the not-drinking thing went out the window. I only had one drink, but still, that's one more than none. And the weekend after this coming one I'm going to Las Vegas!

And there's a party this weekend, too. So, here's my new plan: I have this week of still working hard at training before I taper, except for one more long run I'm going to do next week. So when I return from Las Vegas on Aug. 12, I am going to have a party taper, too. In bed at 10 every night. No drinking (for real!). And the weekend before Ironman, no going out. Period. I know all this partying is probably just rebellion against the self-imposed structure of Ironman training, but that's no reason to ruin a whole season by focusing more on this party/music scene that will still be there after IMC has come and gone.


Rachel said...

Ha, Ha! Party taper! I love it.

Alison said...

You sound so much like me in this post. I'm so jealous that you're going to Vegas! I've never been there.