Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Fabulous run!

On Sunday, I ran about 10 miles with a couple of friends. They are running the Seattle half marathon for the first time in two weeks; I've done it a bunch, so I offered to show them the route.

It was so wonderful. From the minute we started, I felt strong, confident, light - everything a distance runner should feel. Even by the time we finished, despite not running more than six miles since the marathon, I felt awesome. I could have run more.

It's a testimony to the weight loss. It's way more important to my endurance than long runs, I think. Not that I'd skip the long runs during marathon training - but I do think it speaks to how right I am to work on weight loss before endurance training again.

Then yesterday I did six something on the treadmill with the "deck of cards" run - so fun, so hard, and I felt so great when it was over.

Yay running!


TriBoomer a.k.a. Brian said...

I love those hard runs that leave you exhausted and happy at the same time.

Stay tuned...

Andy said...

Hooray running!

Getting back into the training, as well as Ironman Training has got me down almost 10 pounds on average and it makes me excited... No longer the size 32 pants and shorts fell snug!