Wednesday, August 20, 2008

We're doing WHAT?

Met Danielle for weight lifting today...where she said, "We're doing legs today!"

OW!!! Pyramid sets of lunges and squats hurt. I mean, you know you're going to be sore the next day when you finish the workout already sore.

But it's all good. I need it.

Ran yesterday; just six miles, but for the first time in a while, the six felt completely effortless. I mean, I did my 18 happy, but I haven't had a truly effortless run in a while. So yay!


Marques Lyons said...

I offer you a round of applause on your accomplishments in training!

Anonymous said...

Oh yay, now I read this post and I see you ran 6 miles pain free! No ITBS! Yay!!!