Sunday, November 04, 2007

Musings on parenting skills, and we got a Wii

So, on the comment drama, upon reflection it's pretty interesting to note how a negative comment can practically destroy me and a positive one gets a "oh, isn't that nice!" and I'm happy for like a minute until I'm on to the next thing. I feel like I have a fairly thick skin, but that comment about my parenting skills just got to me.

But actually - and I'm not justifying - I'm a good parent. I definitely have my shortcomings, but in general, I think my good parenting shows in the amazing kids I have. I am approached all the time by people who just love my kids - they're both bright and comfortable talking to adults and engaging and fun! They can be reasoned with and hold real conversations. They pretty much rock.

The thing is, I just won't dedicate every waking moment of my life to the kids. I see a lot of people become parents and suddenly transfer all their hopes and desires for their own lives onto their kids. Well, I'm 32 years old and have a ton of life left. Sure, the next 14 years or so are earmarked for raising children. But that will not mean for me that I do nothing else but raise children. The going out and stuff is really about building and maintaining an awesome relationship with my husband - a cornerstone of a good family life, right. And frankly, other than the few hours a week I work out with the girls, I do nothing but work, raise kids, and play with my hubby. And those few hours of exercise and girl time are necessary for sanity, friendship bonding, and relaxation.

Anyway, one of my shortcomings as a parent is my inability to play. I don't like imagination games where we play dolls or cars or whatever. I can play games, though, but I'm not into video games. Um, until now...

Last night we had friends over, and we decided it would be really fun for both the adults and kids to play the Nintendo Wii. I've been thinking about getting one, so we ran out to the store and picked it up. And Oh. My. Goodness. How much fun! We got the sports games and the playground games, and all of us - adults and kids - played together and had a blast. My shoulder actually hurts from playing Wii Tennis! And I got my highest scores ever on Wii Bowling!

Obviously the Wii won't take the place of real activity - we went real bowling on Thursday, to the zoo on Friday, and ice skating today (ow my calves and ankles, by the way). But for indoor fun where we don't need to plan anything and can get to be a bit physical, it's great. And we have a projector in our family room, so there's no TV to throw a game controller at (only a 108-inch screen). We moved all the furniture, and voila! A perfect place for all of us to play!


Wes said...

OK. I had to go back and read that comment about the parenting thing. That asshole is getting around non-anonymous postings by making his profile private. What a wuss. People who make comments like that just show that you really don't have to be very smart to type.

You and John are great parents, and yes, it shows in your kids. None of us out here are worthy of judging you guys. Rock on :-)

Kate said...

You're absolutely a great parent (at least insofar as I can make that judgment call at all, which I can't, let alone over the interet)

"Fat Girl to Triathlete" is not a mommyblog. So why would you post all day every day about your kids?! One look at Disney shows how much you love them, how much time you spend with them, and the amazing ideas you have to make their lives happy and healthy.

I marvel at your ability to make your whole life work, and will keep you as an inspiration as I get married, have kids.



stef said...

Very cool - I find it kind of disturbing that so many of my friends become dedicated 100% to their children once they become parents, and it's like the person you once knew is lost and gone forever. I think it's great that you are actually spending time doing your own thing, because really - how much would it suck for your kids to be raised by a crazy mom who never has any time to do things for herself? I think a lot of people are under the impression that they don't matter any more once they have children, and that really shouldn't be the case. It sounds like you're a great parent, setting just enough boundaries and giving your children just enough freedom to do their own things. Why shouldn't you stay out late and party as long as it's not affecting your relationship with your kids? I think it sounds like someone's jealous :)

wendy said...

Hey girlie!

I've been more than swamped lately, so I apologize for the lack of commenting.

Quick question, where on earth did you get your wii? I've been desperately trying to get one for Christopher before Thanksgiving when we have e/o over, and it's been sold out everywhere!! Please email me direct at

Thanks, my friend!

Also, real quick, I think it's awesome you balance work, married life, kid life, and your own self very well. You ROCK.

Last thing, the crossfit thing sounds hellacious. I'm not sure I'm cut out for that just yet. ;-)