Thursday, April 26, 2007

Public service announcement: Good and evil new foods

Good: Starbucks new Dulce de Leche Latte. YUM YUM YUM. Like candy in a cup. Very, very dangerous. I'd tell you how many calories, but frankly, I don't want to know, so I'm not checking. Yet. I probably will later.

Evil: Taco Time's "Mexican Espresso Brownie." Those are three of my favorite food-related words...but together, it was SO BAD. Seriously. Like, my kids wouldn't eat it. Like, I don't really like Oreo cookies - they taste processed and yucky to me - but I'd kind of mindlessly eat them. I wouldn't even finish chewing my first bite of this brownie. It was horrible. Dry, bitter-tasting, and just not good at all. If I were you, I'd put the $1.49 you spend on this thing towards a Dulce de Leche latte. But only if you can afford the 350 calories I imagine it probably is (with whole milk and whip, of course).


Kate said...

Wow- dulce de leche latte sounds heavenly. I hope it makes its way to Starbucks down under one day!valjean24601

Jeff said...

I sampled the Dulce de Leche at the Starbucks Latin Coffee Festival a few weeks ago. It's almost too good to be for real. Is it magical?

Unknown said...

Watch out for the Banana Dulce coffe cake. "Reduced fat" but probably still not good for you!

LoneStarCrank said...

You're killing us! That's why I only allow myself to get regular coffee there....I have little self control when it comes to anything else made from coffee. Now my mind is wandering.

Tammy said...

Yea, Starbucks keeps tryin' to push that new drink on me, but when I asked, they told me it had "slightly more" calories than my usual 2xTVSL, so I said no thank you.

As for that other thing, what the *bleep* are you doing going to Taco Time in the first place? seriously. ;)

Alison said...

A sweet, sugary coffee drink is often the best pick-me-up for me before an afternoon workout. My first choice is a soy white chocolate mocha with whopped cream. :)

Unknown said...

Hello...? Missing your daily posts. :) (That's right, I'm cracking the blog whip!)

ItchyBits said...

Geeze see how many comments you get with the mere mentioning of Starbucks. I had one of those too! Woohoo! I ordered mine skim though. Not nearly as much fun. I just got the new Terry catalog and thought of you Jessica. That tri-suit in black with the hot pink piping has got your name all over it!