Thursday, December 21, 2006

Danielle kicked my behind!

I set my alarm for 5 a.m., thinking I would go to the gym at 6, do an hour of cardio, then take a circuit training class for more cardio and some strength training.

Yeah, right. Even though I went to bed early last night, I just couldn't get motivated to get up.

When it was late enough, I called Danielle to see if she was going to teach her 10 a.m. circuit training class. When she said yes, I decided I'd do that.

(What about work, you ask? Heh. Nobody is in the building, and I have very little I can do without other people. So, I'm doing what I can, but not working super-hard or long right now.)

So I hit the gym at 9:40 for a few minutes of cardio before the class. And oh my goodness, Danielle had a HARD class planned. Basically, three minutes of high-intensity cardio (though I kept it lower than I would have, because of base training) followed by three-four minutes of strength training. We did somewhere around a zillion squats and lunges, bicep curls, tricep pushups, overhead presses, and other exercises. It was pretty crazy.

I'm not sore yet, but boy is it coming. I guess I deserve it with all the bad eating I've been doing. (Weight this morning = 142).

In fact, I've been hesitating to write the last part about backsliding - about recovery from backsliding. I'm in a backsliding time right now and although I know what I need to do to fix this, I have been unwilling to actually do it. But maybe today. Maybe today.


Anonymous said...

Good luck. I know the backsliding times, they can be tough. You'll get back on track but don't be too hard on yourself.

Aleks said...

I miss you guys so much already and I haven't even been gone a week. :(