Thursday, October 26, 2006

When other things suck, at least there's exercise

So, a couple of things aren't right.

The Bible study I host is focused on marriage, and I'm learning more and more what a bad wife I have the tendency to be.

Work has gotten insane. I work on the largest software development project in history. And I can't even keep a single machine running well for more than 24 hours. This is SO INCREDIBLY WRONG for this time in the product release cycle.

And last month was pretty bad for my hubby's new business, so I have some financial concerns that I don't really want to deal with.

Last night I only slept four hours...and even those four hours were not good sleep.

So I thought about staying in bed and not meeting the girls for the 5:30 a.m. run that I had planned (normally we've been going at 6 on Thursdays - and yes, 30 minutes makes a huge difference). But I realized that sleeping slightly later and not running would probably result in a worse day anyway - so I dragged my bottom out of bed and went to the gym.

On the way, my coffee was too hot to drink and there was nothing good on the radio.

But in the locker room, I see Nancy's vest hanging over her locker, then Aleks comes bouncing over in her pink jacket, then Kathy shows up with a big smile, and stuff just feels better.

We ran 6 miles (one hour) on dark, quiet streets long before our families, friends and co-workers even got out of bed. And for the moments when I was with my friends, running comfortably in perfect running weather (52 degrees or so), things felt right.

Back when I was much younger and I occasionally smoked pot, I'd conduct a little test to see whether I was high enough: Can I laugh at or ignore the worst problem I'm facing? Does it matter right now, in this very moment?

Happily for me, exercise produces that same feeling - the escape into another world, at least for a short time.

But it also gives me something else: when I do come back to the real world, full of marriage, work, and financial troubles, I bring something of that exercise world with me. I'm just a little more calm and I have just a little more perspective. It mellows me out and takes away some of the aggression and anger I might otherwise feel all day.

So things aren't really that bad. Nothing really sucks. And I can push forward and work on the little problems in my life, just like I push forward and become a better swimmer, cyclist, and runner. Drug-free, too!


Aleks said...

And as a side note, you are a beautiful, loyal, dedicated and caring wife, mother, friend, employee, and athlete.

We are all blessed to have you in our lives.

Wes said...

"I'm learning more and more what a bad wife I have the tendency to be"

By who's standard? Put your hubby on the line. I want to ask him, directly. Uh, huh...

What Aleks said...

LoneStarCrank said...

Perspective is never more than a good run away! You have already proven your dedication and perserverance.