Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Funnest 5K!

Check this out!

From the site:
Aloha! Do you have a great attitude, sense of adventure, and a willingness to play rain or shine? Can you have fun with the unexpected? Then join us for the Winter Pineapple Classic - a 5K run with three large obstacles along the course and smaller obstacles at the end - on Nov. 11, 2006 at Warren G. Magnuson Park in Seattle. Obstacles are unknown until race day.
You have to do this as a team, either two or four people. So...duh! Of course Danielle, Aleks, Regan and I are forming a team!

Okay folks. I know there are a bunch of you out there who know me and read this blog and NEVER comment...and that's totally cool, but this message is for you: if you're local (or want to come visit!) and want to do this race, email me and I will see if I can put my friends in touch with other friends to form teams.

How much fun does this sound like? TOO MUCH!!!

Email me now! Yes, you! :-)


Wes said...

Hee, hee, hee. Sounds like a blast. Wish I could be there.

Kate said...

Sounds fantastic!

(PS MMMM Brownie)