Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Numbers suck

I know everyone tells me not to weigh myself every day, and especially not to weigh myself morning and night.

But I'm obsessive! So I do anyway.

And I can't believe what I saw two days in a row: 145.

How can that possibly be? I ran 20 miles plus did indoor cycling for an hour on Saturday! I didn't eat more calories than I burned!

Sunday I probably did eat more than I burned, but I didn't yesterday, and I didn't Friday...and last week I was pretty good!

So what is happening? I don't feel bloated - and when I look in the mirror, I look normal. So how could my weight jump four pounds between Friday and now?

(14,000 extra calories consumed...but I didn't. Really. I'm sure I could, but it didn't happen.)

Okay, time to stop obsessing. But it's so hard!

I think what I'm going to do is to say I can't have my new tri bike until I weigh 135 lbs. Every day.

So here are today's data. I resisted the banana bread at the cafe today.

Pre-workout: 1 Vitatop and milk in coffee, 130 cals
Breakfast: English muffin, ham, cheese, cottage cheese and blueberries, milk in coffee, 415 cals
Lunch: 4 pc california roll; 4 pc nigiri sushi; miso soup; sumonomo: 450 cals
total so far: 995 calories
Snack: 1/2 Pria bar, 85 cals
Dinner: Chicken salad (chicken, salsa, lettuce, tomatoes, onion, green peppers, low-fat cheese, avocado), 445 cals
TOTAL: 1525 calories

Run 80 minutes
Strength training 30 minutes
Calories burned: 750


Wes said...

Your body is in a cycle. Only it knows where the four pounds came from. How about this idea? Buy your tri bike and burn 14,000 calories on it. That would be much more fun.

So, only you and the princesses know if you went blond or not, eh? LOL...

:) said...

You have GOT to take into account your body composition changes. Muscle weighs more than fat. That is why when you look in the mirror, you don't look like you have gained weight. You are gaining muscle more than fat with your training. If only I could convince everyone to base their caloric intake on your appearance and training schedules!!!


Aleks said...

Oh, she went blond alright and it looks HOT! Side note, she also looks smaller than she used to so it's all muscle! :)

Unknown said...

Yes, where are those blonde photos???!!! I wanna see!

As for the weight, muscle-gain is certainly a possibility. Other possibilities: could it be PMS? Or perhaps it's water retention after a couple of days of hard training? (You know how when you lift heavy weights your body retains water which causes your weight to increase - well, maybe your hard training has the same effects as heavy weights?)

boatgirl said...

One word. Muscle. I'm sure your BMI is very very low. The Muscle is more important.