Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Wednesday night success!

So every Wednesday night, I host a Bible study in my house.

And every Wednesday night, people bring snacks over - usually delicious cookies, cakes, or something else that is not part of my diet plan.

In front of others, I can eat a small piece and be good with that. Sometimes I can even afford the extra calories.

But often what happens is that the people who bring the goodies leave them when they go - and that's when the binge begins.

So nearly every Wednesday, I sabotage myself. Then on Thursday I often make myself pay for the bad eating by working out extra, then I'm hungrier, then I give up and ruin Thursday, Friday, and the weekend.

Today, I didn't do that. I didn't even taste the cinnamon-chocolate chip cake that came into my house; instead I sipped on a green tea. I told the kind person who brought the cake that I couldn't have any, and I'd appreciate it if he took any leftovers home with him. He understood and agreed.

So I had a perfect eating day: 1230 calories consumed, 800 burned in exercise (indoor cycling plus strength training), and I'm going to bed happy!


Wes said...

Sounds like your bible study group would be most understanding of what you are trying to accomplish. Nice job!!

teacherwoman said...

Sounds like a success! Way to go!

Jessica said...

Well, they look at me and don't understand: I'm thinner and more fit than, well, all of them. But they accept that I'm not satisfied with myself and they don't try to tell me I'm wrong and I should eat the cake. :-)

TJ said...

wow. 1230 calories isn't much for an endurance athlete.
everyone is different though and each of us have our own nutritional needs.
congrats on your success.

Jessica said...

Well, I'm in a prep period, and I'm focusing on trying to get as close as possible to 130 lbs before I step up the training and have to eat more to function. During the season, I'll likely be around 2000 per day, depending on what I do - my goal then will be to "break even" every day or be very very slightly under, unless I actually get to 130 lbs, in which case I'll eat to train and remain at 130.