Monday, May 14, 2007

Almost enough to make me stop wearing pink...

But not quite.

Less than 1.5 miles into my bike commute this morning, I got stung by a bee.


Surely I deserved it, because my mouth was open criticizing my husband for eating an apple fritter from Starbucks before we rode to work, and consequently he was making me ride faster than I felt like riding on a Monday morning (to make up for the lost time at Starbucks). On second thought, maybe he deserved it for eating that apple fritter, not me!

Anyway, the bee stung me just inside my lower lip on the left side, and like all bee stings, it pinched at first while I brushed the bee out of my mouth, then I caught my breath and said to myself, "This isn't so bad, maybe it wasn't a bee," then the pain comes and my eyes fill up with tears as I pull the bike over to the side of the road and try to breathe until the pain dissipates.

Then it swells up, and this time, because of the location, it makes it difficult to talk and I keep biting the swollen part of my lip.

Super-fun. And it totally threw me off for the rest of the ride.

We did a different route from Friday's commute, this one coming in at 15.5 miles (Friday was 12.87). However, today it only took 1 hour, 6 minutes of riding, and Friday's shorter ride was 1 hour, 2 minutes. So this route, though longer, was less hilly and consequently we could ride faster. Or maybe fewer stoplights. Probably both.

I still have a lot of riding to do today - lunchtime ride that I lead, plus possibly a commute home unless the body shop finishes with my Lexus today (it was hit a few weeks ago in a parking lot). But actually, if the body shop finishes, I still have to ride there. So it's definitely a bike-heavy day.

Let's hope the bees find real flowers, not me!


Brad "el ZappoMan" HG said...

Wow! I had this happen to me once, and afterward I wondered why it didn't happen more often... but you're the only other person I've heard of it actually happening to.

Andy said...

I am sooo sorry to hear that! At least you did not have an allergic reaction or anything to the bee-sting, that would have really sucked!!!

I commend you riding to and from work, that is really cool that you can do that (albeit your car is in the shop). Don't feel too bad, I have a friend whom his wife and himself own a Mercedes and the shop had it for a little over a month to fix it! At one point they could not even find his car due to the fact that it was sent off to another shop for some speciality work and the person who was in charge of the car had quit the company.


Wes said...

They say you can tell a triathlete because they have bugs in their teeth, but that's going a little bit too far! Ouch!!

Tammy said...

Ugh. I had a bee fly into my shades while biking once. It got stuck there and stung my temple. It felt like someone was pounding a nail into my skull!! I actually reached up and THREW my glasses across the road it hurt so bad.

What I'm sayin' is, I feel your pain. Take care.

Jeff said...

What?!? Dis'ing an apple fritter? Maybe it was Karma after all?

Kate said...