Friday, August 11, 2006

Love my Fridays, hate my stuffy nose

This morning was really fun - I had three new people to come along on my Triathlon Friday workout. We first did a longish swim (40 minutes) in Lake Sammamish - Sarah peer-pressured me into doing it without a wetsuit, which actually was fine. When she asked me if I was going to wear the wetsuit, I realized that whatever I last did is my decision: so when I wear my wetsuit, I say I'm going to wear it for the race, and when I don't, I say I'm not going to. So who knows.

Maybe for Danskin I won't wear it, but for Lake Sammamish I will...but then again, I really want great times at both of those races. So the question becomes: will the wetsuit give me enough speed to make up the time it takes to get it off?

Then we ran up to the cars and transitioned to the bikes. I had a 13-mile route planned, including one climb (Northup - not really steep, but 1.2 miles of consistent uphill). But then we had almost two miles of fun downhill, so at least everyone who felt like maybe I tortured them uphill was rewarded. The rest of the ride was flat and fun - since I was leading, I was more concerned about keeping the group together than my own pace, but it was a nice recovery-pace ride for me and that's just fine - Mondays will be my hammering day, and race days of course.

We were running late so we just did a 10-minute run around the park. The sprint at the end hurt, but my HR recovered extremely quickly.

So now I'm happy, but stuffed-up. What do I do to make my nose get stuffy every time after I swim? I hate this feeling! (It almost makes me look forward to my swim break, starting Sept. 25 - where I no longer have swimming on the schedule until probably January at the earliest).

Oh, one other thing about swimming. I threw a couple of sprints into my workout today, and found them surprisingly enjoyable. I actually might do swim speedwork next year. We'll see.

Today's data:

Pre-workout: LF muffin from Starbucks, milk in coffee: 340
Breakfast: 2 oz ham, yogurt, granola (new product: "Bear Naked Granola" that I found at Costco. Yummy, and only 140 cals per serving!), milk in coffee: 360 cals
Lunch: Chicken burrito and apple, 600 calories
Chocolate fix: 60 calories
total so far: 1360 calories

Swim 40 min
Bike 1 hour
Run 10 min
Calories burned: 800


TriBoomer a.k.a. Brian said...

Great tri workout. You're on the right track.

Stay tuned...

Askazombiehousewife said...

Hope your nose feels better soon.