Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I am NOT middle-aged

Someone anonymously commented on yesterday's post that it must have been middle-aged women dancing in Vegas weekend.

WHATEVER!!! Not only am I not middle-aged by any stretch of the imagination, I am at the best age possible: I still have youth on my side in terms of physical appearance and the way my body feels and responds to exercise, but I also have life experience, financial means and everything settled - my marriage, my kids, my friends, my career, my social life. I can dance on platforms and tabletops just as well as any other hot chick on a platform or tabletop, and I can stay out all night if I feel like it.

So I don't know why I feel the need to respond to that comment - maybe it was made in jest, maybe even by someone who knows me and is teasing - but the fact is, it's dead wrong and whoever said it, if serious, is an idiot. I challenge that person to feel this great at my age - 32, by the way.

Oh, and I turned off anonymous comments. If you don't have the balls to tell me who you are when you call me middle-aged, you don't get to call me middle-aged.


Dana said...

Yikes! Awful anonymous comments. Don't let em get to you girl!

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Unknown said...

I understand your thoughts on the anonymous commenter - no balls. But even middle-aged folk can dance on tabletops if they want! :) You're a young'un. Enjoy it.

Wes said...

Nothing wrong with being middle aged. Dee Dee and I can hang on the dance floor with the best of you young whipper snappers :-)

ItchyBits said...

Your AC must not be expecting a long life if he or she is calling 32 middle-aged?? Or else the AC hasn't hit 20 yet. Hard to imagine that life does continue once you've collected all the Bratz dolls. I know, like, what's the point? But it does. I love anonymous comments because the people who leave them always sound like idiots, not to mention painfully jealous. Shoo fly!

abc said...

Hi! I'm an aspiring triathlete and I found your blog. You've given me quite a bit of inspiration. Congratulations on your progress and good luck in Canada!

wendy said...

Yikes! That was kind of a snotty remark, even if the person was kidding, and if he was, he's not very humorous.

I think I'm getting younger as I get older, so who cares what that number is (30 for me, almost 31). As a tiny bit younger person commenting, I'm thinking you could whoop up on me pretty good - I don't forsee me taking on any Ironman's anytime soon. ;-)

You're right about leaving your name, if you don't feel comfortable saying who you are, you shouldn't be writing it. He/She is likely feeling insecure with your abilities. =)

Spokane Al said...

I can think of plenty of worse things to be called then middle aged. And I would disagree with your comment about being at the best age possible - whatever your age - it truly is the best age possible.

Plus if you really are at your best age possible, things are downhill from here, which I don't think is true.

This is the perspective of a 56 (almost 57) year old man and as always, take it with how every many grains of salt that you wish.