Sunday, March 19, 2006

Spring snowboarding!

Oh man it was so gorgeous today, totally clear, beautiful, warm. Yum. John and I were teaching a group of kids to snowboard (it was our auction gift for Gabriel's school) and it was actually really fun. The kids were well-behaved and learned quickly, the snow was perfect for learning, and it's so nice to be out in the sun! Of course, my cheeks are now mad (sunburn, yuck). But hey, it was great.

Today's data:
Breakfast: French toast, one egg, coffee with milk: 340 cals
Lunch: Veggies and dip, small yogurt, turkey bacon, grapes: 300 cals
Snack: Caramel frappuccino light, 140 cals; some of G's ice cream, 100 cals
Dinner: Peanut-butter pretzels, 280 cals; pizza, 600 cals
TOTAL: 1760 calories

Snowboarding all day - my HR monitor said 300 cals, reality is likely more though

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