Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Bike ride #2 and a good weight

The results are in - and very positive! I weighed in at 138 this morning, so I'm well on my way to my goal of 130. (Of course, I ate way too much tonight...but I've moved on already and I'm focusing on tomorrow.)

I also rode my bike for a bit today, just on the bike trail, but it was fun nonetheless. I took it back to Sammamish Valley Cycle to have them look at that weird ghost-shifting - and the bike wizard Synth (yeah, that's his name. I've got his business card to prove it) fixed it in like two minutes. He's amazing.

I'm still slightly stuffed up, but looking forward to my run tomorrow with the girls.

On a non-exercise, diet, or triathlon related note: My six-year-old is playing some kind of online RPG. He's a penguin - it's or something? Apparently my husband hooked him up with an account. I'm completely freaked out. My little boy is using the Internet. Next thing I know he'll be asking me for a World of Warcraft account. NO WAY!!!


Wes said...

Nice job on the weight loss! You will achieve!! Just determine what YOUR limits are on the internet thing while they are young. My 11 year old would rather play video games all day than do homework and stuff like that. We are giving him an attitude adjustment.

:) said...

My son tried playing that penguin game, but it sort of freaked me out that he was chatting with God knows who or what... So I squashed it.

Am I over-protective???

Jessica said...

Yeah, I think you probably are. Apparently because the site is for kids, the site managers actively monitor all chatting the kids do. We've got some rules in our house: No playing in a room with the door closed unless a parent or babysitter is in there with you; no computers in bedrooms (the kid computer is in the playroom, which all of us use); and no playing on the computer or watching TV if you could be outside. So far, this is working. But I reserve the right to change the rules whenever I see fit. :-)

:) said...

Those are some good rules. I am a weirdo, I guess and a little bit of a pessimist. It's good that they monitor the chatting, but how do they watch everything that is going on at once? There are thousands of users on at any given time...

Jessica said...

Well, but I figure, with their software filters, plus their monitoring, plus my own monitoring as a parent, hopefully the kid will be safe. But I'm also a very permissive mom - Gabriel has been allowed to ride his bike to his friend's house for a year now, and I'll leave him home alone for up to 15 minutes if I need to run to a store and he doesn't want to come, etc.

I will say, though, he's an extremely mature six-year-old - I'm not sure I would be so permissive if he were a different kind of kid.