Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I'm just feeling blah. I don't know how else to put it.

Everything feels tired and I'm completely unfocused - at home, work, church, everywhere.

The funny thing is - or maybe this is expected, given who I am - when I was working out today (indoor cycling plus a 15-minute treadmill run - it was kind of snowing out, so the outdoor ride was cancelled), I felt amazing.

I didn't want to go, but I made myself, and once I started exercising, I felt happy. REALLY happy, actually - so much so that it really showed the contrast of how unhappy I've been this week.

Maybe it's just February blues, and because I'm usually so happy it took the entire month to catch me. So maybe tomorrow will be better.


Wes said...

Maybe you're run down a little bit. You've been going at it hard. Relax a little and keep up the good work. You are going to come out of the off season stronger than ever.

Shannon Morgan said...

Get some hubby-time and some kids-time. Keep up (at least) moderate activity - you obviously thrive on it.

Not that you didn't know all of this!

Happy March!